Britons Launch a Signature Campaign to Ban Donald Trump in Britain

Donald Trump's comment to stop Muslim in entering USA have caused Britons to file a petition of blocking him from entering Britain.

Over 150,000 Britons have signed an online petition to ban United States Republican presidential front runner and multi-billionaire Donald Trump from their country following Trump’s idea on stopping Muslims from going to the U.S.A.

The wrong comments of Trump left many Britons with anger and ridicule, thus prompting them to launch a petition of banning.

Donald Trump’s comments were made in a speech after ISIS terrorists attacked Paris and the recent shooting rampage by a Muslim couple in San Bernardino, California.

Although the petition have increase enormously, the Prime Minister of Britain, Sir George Osborne manifested that the U.S. presidential aspirant should not be banned from Britain. However, the good PM also added that Mr. Trump’s comments were truly divisive, unhelpful and wrong.

Despite more than 150,000 have signed for the banning of Trump, the Prime Minister clearly reiterated that Donald Trump cannot be banned from Britain.
